Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Post: Surgery

Hi all

I realize I have been a bit remiss about posting over the last few weeks.  I have been going into work a few days per week!  It has been a real joy to see everyone and to take back the reins for my students. I have been tired and more short of breath in the last 10 days so that has slowed me down.  That said, I am still generally on an upward trend (as Andrew kindly reminds me when I get discouraged).  Today I had an intense acupuncture session which left me feeling weak, however, by this afternoon I am definitely feeling better.  My new mantra is, "just wait a few hours or days and it will be different" so I try not to stress about anything!

Well, tomorrow is just about here!

We are busy making room for more miracles and I am getting very excited.  The scheduled time for my "surrogate surgery" is 10:00 a.m. Vancouver time on Thursday April 3.  Surrogate surgery, or distance healing, is the same process that Wayne Dyer went through - so I will be in Vancouver the whole time. My surrogate is a lovely woman named Josie, who will stand for me before John of God in Brazil - this is more specific than the simple presentation of a photograph which is what I received last time. Surgery is to be followed by 24 hours strict bed rest. I am to have my meals brought to me and other than that, I am to relax. No talking (always a challenge for me), no radio, music, reading or distractions of any sort.

I will do a blog update on Friday (perhaps around noon) to let you all know what the first day was like. The first week is considered recovery time and there is a session the following week for “suture removal”.

More blogs to come but for now THANK YOU all.

With love and gratitude

PS - picture with Gillian taken last weekend at a dinner outing!


  1. Nancy and Andrew, I have cleared my plate, somewhat by the intervention of spirit, and will be in bed concentrating, starting now until Friday, on your surgery and the power of entity to access you through time and space. I had a direct revelation of healing with you tonight. Steady as she goes, holding your heart in mine.

  2. Love Erika (previous message)

  3. Nancy
    Glad to hear you are getting into work lately.
    Ian and I will be thinking of you tomorrow during your surgery. You are a strong woman and I know this will be a positive step in your recovery.
    Missing you and hope we can get together soon.

  4. I'll be "tuning in" tomorrow at 10:00 Nancy!
    May you be blessed!
    Love, Shirley

  5. Much love to you Nancy xo Laura

  6. I will be thinking of you at 10:00 AM this morning!

  7. Hello lovely Nancy, my dear friend. You are in my heart and I will be focussed on your healing with every ounce of my being at 10 am this morning. Love you,
    Gail (and Leah and Rod too!)

  8. Hi Andrew,
    As Nancy is embraced and protected from distractions I think of you as you hold the space for her and keep life moving around in the necessary ways. I have tears of gratitude and an open heart in a way that I have not experience before, by knowing and loving you three. Please continue to reach for us as we are here, close to you when needed. Hugs, Jacki

  9. sitting here in ole peterpatch, thinking of all of you and sending love
    & more love
    & hugs via the airwaves
    & sweet hopes for more goodness and loving this life
